Affiliated Masonic Body Leaders

Members of Cornerstone Lodge No. 91 have historically been extremely active in Concordant Bodies of Freemasonry in Illinois and beyond. The following members currently hold OR have held positions at the Grand levels for the following bodies:

Holy Royal Arch Masons

Most Excellent Companion
Dr. Andras Babero
Grand High Priest (1937-38)

Most Excellent Companion
Charles Holiday Jr.
Grand High Priest (2012-14)

Most Excellent Companion
Daryl L. Andrews
Grand Trustee (2009-2014)
Honorary Past Grand High Priest (2014)

Excellent Companion
Sean E. Queen
Assistant Grand Secretary

Heroines of Jericho

Excellent Companion
Andras Babero
Most Worthy Grand Joshua (1941-42)

Excellent Companion
William Burke
Most Worthy Grand Joshua (1958-59)

Excellent Companion
Daniel L. Minor
Most Worthy Grand Joshua (1979)

Royal & Select Masters

Most Illustrious Companion
Charles Holiday Jr.
Past Grand Thrice Illustrious Master
General Grand Conference Past Grand Thrice Illustrious Master

Knights Templar
Grand Commandery

Right Eminent Sir Knight
Charles Holiday Jr.
Past Right Eminent Grand Commander

Knights of the York Cross of Honor

Sir Knight Charles Holiday Jr. (2004)
Grand Recorder

Scottish Rite 33rd Degree Masons

Illustrious Dr. Andras Babero (1922)

Illustrious Herman R. Duckett

Illustrious Herbert Dyce

Illustrious Richard C. Buck

Illustrious William Fallis

Illustrious George Webster

Illustrious George Cole

Illustrious Robert L. Davenport

Illustrious Charles Holiday Jr. (2007)

Illustrious Daryl L. Andrews (2010)
SGIG Emeriti (2021)

AEAONMS Potentates

Noble Richard C. Buck
Arabic Temple No. 44
Honorary Past Imperial Potentate

Noble William Fallis
Arabic Temple No. 44

Noble Herbert Dyce
Kamar Temple No. 65