Adoptive Rites
Members of Cornerstone Lodge No. 91 are extremely active in multiple avenues within the diaspora of Freemasonry. The Lodge was instrumental in the formation of the following female appendant bodies:
-- Cornerstone Court #49 - Heroines of Jericho (1924)
-- Princess Syene Chapter #114 - Order of the Eastern Star (1925)
Princess Syene Chapter #114, Order of the Eastern Star
Princess Syene is the product of inclusiveness of the wives of the Masonic members of Cornerstone Lodge No. 91, F.&A.M. The late Dr. Andras Babero was the Worshipful Master of the Lodge at that time and he saw how the Master Mason's wives, sisters and daughters were neglected. He consulted with his wife, Bertha Babero, about how she felt the wives, sisters and daughters could take advantage of the fellowship offered. Sister Babero was invited to a Cornerstone Lodge meeting and was well received. It was at that time that she explained her mission and secured more than thirty pledges. A new Chapter had begun.
Sister Babero immediately began the preparation of forming a Chapter that would align directly with the brother Lodge in their commitment to integrity and service. She contacted all interested prospects and they all met at their home to begin organizing the structure of the Chapter. The Worthy Grand Matron Sister Daisy M. Johnson and the Worthy Grand Patron Brother Lee Taylor were invited to the meeting to speak words of commendation for work well done. They were instructed to secure a dispensation which was readily done. An investigation committee was appointed by the Grand Chapter including Sister Daisy Johnson, Brother Lee Taylor, Sister Louise Webb, Sister Callie Harris, Brother James White and Sister Susie W. Turner. This committee reported that the required number had been complied with. The Worthy Grand Patron notified the Grand Lecturer and her staff of officers to prepare for the initiation.
The name "Princess Syene" was selected by Sister Babero for the new Chapter and Princess Syene Chapter No. 114 was constituted on December 6, 1925 by the Worthy Grand Matron, Worthy Grand Patron and her staff of officers. The first set of Chapter Officers were:
-- Sister Bertha Babero, Worthy Matron
-- Brother Andras Babero, Worthy Patron
-- Sister Nanie Thornton, Associate Matron
-- Sister Arilia Kaizer, Conductress
-- Sister Josie Tate, Associate Conductress
-- Sister Florence Harris, Treasurer
-- Sister Alice Johnson, Secretary
-- Sister Josie Dawson, Chaplain
-- Sister Amanda Simmons, Adah
-- Sister Angie Babero, Ruth
-- Sister Beaulah Vaughn, Esther
-- Sister Gertrude Witherspoon, Martha
-- Sister Eunice Harris, Electa
The history of Princess Syene Chapter No. 114 speaks to the integrity, dedication and commitment of the women who continue to support the success of the Chapter. When Sister Babero initiated the beginning of the Chapter it was taken into account that all of the Sisters were connected to Cornerstone Lodge No. 91 as a whole. The goal was to create some inclusion so that their input could be utilized as valuable information to a brotherly and sisterly bond between the two entities that would last for years to come. As the years continue to pass on, Princess Syene continues to leave its mark as a staple in the very fabric of the history of the Order of the Eastern Star.
Cornerstone Court #49 Heroines of Jericho
In 1924, Dr. Andras Babero, Worshipful Master of Cornerstone Lodge, and Mrs. Bertha Babero asked permission of the M.A.G.M. Sister Rosa Fouche to set up a Court of Heroines. Permission being granted, the club was set up with over 100 members. The first officers were:
-- Bertha B. Babero - Most Ancient Matron
-- Dr. Andras Babero - Worthy Joshua
-- Lillian Goodwin - Junior Matron
-- Adele B. Bell - Secretary
-- Nancy Chambers - Treasurer
-- Josie Tate - Inner Gate Keeper
-- Julia Jackson - Outer Gate Keeper
-- Rev. W.A. Chambers - Court Director
-- William Harris - Court Director
-- Grand Parrish - Court Director
On September 11, 1924, they received their charter and December 30, 1924 was constituted and adopted by Cornerstone Lodge No. 91. The sight will long be remembered as it was beautiful.
Cornerstone Court has given leadership to the Most Ancient Grand Court, Heroines of Jericho. Most Ancient Grand Matrons from the Court include:
-- Bertha Babero (1st International Grand Matron)
-- Edna Babero Burke
-- Adele B. Wells (Honorary)
Most Worthy Grand Joshuas include:
-- Dr. Andras Babero
-- Emanuel Potter (International Grand Joshua)
-- William J. Burke
-- Daniel Minor