Most Worshipful Brothers

The following members have served as Grand Master, which is the highest elective office of Freemasonry, or received recognition on an honorary basis as a Honorary Past Grand Master of a Grand Lodge:

Most Worshipful Brother
James Henson (Michigan)

Grand Master of Michigan Prince Hall Masons (1963)
Honorary Past Grand Master of Illinois Prince Hall Masons

Most Worshipful Brother Henson's Masonic roots are found in the Illinois Jurisdiction.  He served as Worshipful Master of Cornerstone Lodge #91 in 1939 and 1940. Appointed a District Deputy Grand Master for the First District in 1941, he was an officer of the Past Masters Council and Associate Editor of the Past Masters Topics periodical. After moving to the State of Michigan in the late 1940s, he became a member of Granite Lodge #11 of Cassopolis, Michigan (MWPHGL of Michigan) and served as Worshipful Master in 1951 and 1952. He served as District Deputy Grand Master of the Fourth District in 1953 and was elevated to the Office of Most Worshipful Grand Master for the 1962-63 term. He was posthumously honored as an Honorary Past Grand Master of the MWPHGL of Illinois in 2012.  As his roots source from Cornerstone Lodge #91 of Chicago, Illinois we honor him.

Right Worshipful Brothers

The following members have served in the elective ranks of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Illinois:

1. Right Worshipful Brother 
Robert L. Davenport

R.W. Bro. Davenport was the very first Elected Grand Lodge Officer from Cornerstone Lodge #91 in 1988 starting 12 consecutive years of service at the Grand Lodge Level. He served as Worshipful Master of Cornerstone Lodge #91 in 1979 and remained active in the Emeritus capacity as a Grand Lodge Officer until his earthly demise in 2005.

2. Right Worshipful Brother
Daryl L. Andrews

R.W. Bro. Andrews became the second Elected Grand Lodge Officer from Cornerstone Lodge #91 in 2009 which started 11 consecutive years of service at the Grand Lodge Level. He is the ONLY Prince Hall Mason to have served all three of the Elected Grand Lodge Financial Offices. He served as Worshipful Master of Cornerstone Lodge #91 in 2005 and 2006 and was selected Grand Lodge Mason of the Year 2008-09.

3. Right Worshipful Brother
Sean E. Queen

R.W. Bro. Queen became the third Elected Grand Lodge Officer from Cornerstone Lodge #91 in 2013. His election mark the FIRST time in history when the Grand Lodge has had the two highest financial offices held by members from the same Lodge. He served as Worshipful Master of Cornerstone Lodge #91 in 2010.

4. Right Worshipful Brother
Charles Holiday Jr.

R.W. Bro. Holiday became the fourth Elected Grand Lodge Officer from Cornerstone Lodge #91 in 2022. No other Lodge has had members to serve in all Elected Grand Lodge financial positions. He served as Worshipful Master of Cornerstone Lodge #91 in 1997 and was selected Grand Lodge Mason of the Year 2005-06. 

Appointed Grand Lodge Officers

The following members currently serve OR have served in the appointed ranks of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Illinois:

District Deputy Grand Masters

Andras Babero (Special DDGM to Liberia)
James A. Henson
Herman Duckett
Ernest Sharper
Richard Buck
Leo McCann
George Webster
James Broomes
Robert L. Davenport
Charles Holiday Jr.
Daryl L. Andrews

District Deputy Grand Lecturers

Dr. Andras Babero
Junious Lofton
Daryl L. Andrews

Assistant Grand Secretary / Treasurer

Charles Holiday Jr. (A.G.S.)
Sean E. Queen (A.G.S.)
Daryl L. Andrews (A.G.T.)

Prince Hall Masonic Journal Editors

William Fallis (1965-67)
Daryl L. Andrews (2005-)

Grand Tyler

James Zinn

Grand Lodge Reporters

Elmer A. Cotton

Director of Public Relations

William Fallis (1965-67)

Grand Historian

Daryl L. Andrews (2005-06)

Grand Lodge Degree Teams

Junious Lofton
Daryl L. Andrews
Troy T. Andrews

Grand Lodge Print Department Chairman

Sean E. Queen

Grand Lodge Building Committee Secretary

Lawrence Walker

Grand Lodge Jurisprudence Committee

Richard C. Buck
Charles Holiday Jr.

Grand Lodge Credentials Committee

Charles Holiday Jr.
Daryl L. Andrews

Grand Lodge Financial Advisor

Eric Townes